Open Data

Last updated at 14:19 on 20/03/2023

Tailte Éireann is committed to the principles of Open Data, in accordance with the national Open Data Strategy. These principles are aimed at promoting innovation and transparency through the publication of Irish Public Sector data in open, free and reusable formats.  Tailte Éireann complies with the European Communities (Re-use of Public Sector Information) Regulations 2005 to 2015 and encourages the commercial and non-commercial re-use of the information they produce. Re-use includes copying, issuing copies to the public, publishing, broadcasting and translating into other languages, as well as research and study. You have permission to re-use this copyright information free of charge, and in any format. The permission is subject to conditions as set out in our Valuation Division re-use licences.

The accuracy of our data is important to us. If you discover an error with our property record's X&Y or Eircode please contact us at OpenData to have it rectified. Note: some property categories are not assigned an Eircode as properties must have a postal address to be assigned an Eircode.

Valuation Division Open Datasets can now be found by choosing from the menu on the left, and can also be found at the national Open Data Portal.

Open Data Audit Report 

The Valuation Division, Tailte Éireann underwent an Open Data audit this past year to identify open data sets held within the division. This process was constructed to identify the data held by the division and identify the data sets that could be used as open data.  The Valuation Division, Tailte Éireann with the assistance of Derilinx evaluated the data and created a list of the high performing data sets that could be used for open data. The Open Data Audit Report contains the findings in the Valuation Division Open Data Audit and with this report shows the potential growth of the Valuations Division Open Data.
