Initial Analysis of the outcome of Reval 2019

Last updated at 12:50 on 09/01/2024

The following table provides a summary of the preliminary outcome of the revaluation of the Rating Authorities which make up the Reval 2019 phase of the overall National Revaluation Programme. 

The analysis indicates that the preliminary outcome is in line with the outcome of previous phases of the programme. Please note that this analysis is based on the first batch of 30,602 proposed valuations which issued to ratepayers on 15th March 2019. This does not include the proposed valuations in relation to licensed premises, nursing homes, service stations, hotels etc. which issued more recently. 

Ratepayers who are dissatisfied with their proposed valuation have up to 40 days from the date of issue of their proposed valuation certificates to make Representations to the Valuation Office. The Valuation Office will consider each Representation received and will reflect the outcome of its consideration, including the making of any adjustments warranted from the information and evidence provided with Representations. 

Representations can be submitted online here. If you do not have access to the internet, contact the Valuation Office on 01 8171033 or and we will arrange to forward a Representations Form to you by return. Please note that the deadline for submission is the same for hardcopy submissions, i.e. no extensions will be permitted.

Further analysis and updates will be provided as Reval 2019 proceeds.

Rating Authority
(County Council)
Number of Properties% of Ratepayers experiencing Reduced Rates Liability% of Ratepayers experiencing Increased Rates Liability

% of Ratepayers experiencing
No Change

Fingal (2nd Reval)5,89766.2%25.8%8%
